Call for Best Student Research Video&Poster Competition
This call is devoted to M.Sc. students and PhD students to showcase the results of their research activity in the fields of interest of the IEEE Eurocon 2023 Conference.
The language is English.
The competition includes two phases:
- First-phase: evaluation of videos posted on YouTube.
- Second phase: presentation of posters during the Conference.
First phase:
The competitors shall prepare a 5-min video “My research in 5 minutes” in which they present their research in the relevant domain, using slides, pictures, photos, graphics, lab demo, etc., to describe in the most convincing and attractive way their research approach, field of application and achievements.
Two lines of research activities are considered:
- A general “Research innovations” line.
- A specific “Green technologies and applications” line.
The competitors have to indicate which line of research they intend to apply to when submitting their videos. The competitors will also need to clearly specify one Sustainable and Development Goal (SDG – to which their research illustrated in the video is primarily targeted, by explicitly highlighting the potential impact on the Future Society and Humanity.
The videos have to be uploaded on the YouTube platform, making the link visible to anyone. The link to the video has to be sent before May 15, 2023, by email to the Students and Young Professionals Events Chairs (Federica Battisti, University of Padova,, and Stefano Selleri, University of Florence,, also attaching evidence of the status of M.S. student or Ph.D. student at the date of May 15, 2023. In the absence of such an evidence, the candidate will not be considered.
The videos will be evaluated by an Evaluation Committee chaired by the Students and Young Professionals Events Chairs. No more than 10 competitors will be selected to participate in the second phase. The announcement of the selected competitors will be given by 30 May 2023.
Second phase:
Thie second phase will take place during IEEE EUROCON 2023 on July 7, 2023 (time to be defined). The competitors shall prepare an A0-size poster to present their research. For more details on the poster room and other updates refer to the conference website: The competitor must be the only presenter of the poster and must participate in person. The audience present at the IEEE EUROCON will be able to vote their favorite poster (instructions on the voting procedure will be provided on site). The public vote will be taken into account by the Evaluation Committee and will be combined with the vote of the video to select the best research according to these criteria: scientific relevance, methodological approach, nature of the result obtained, quality of presentation, and appropriateness of the responses to the questions.
All competitors (max 10) selected for presenting their contributions at the competition will receive a participation certificate. The best contributions of the two lines will be awarded with a customized IEEE certificate and 2 prizes of €250 each for the winners in the two categories, plus 2 prizes for the second places in the two categories and 2 prizes for the third places in the two categories, co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund through the project Dynamical Predictive Protection of Electric Vehicle Battery Health – EVBattPredtect (grant KK.
The award ceremony will take place on July 7, 2023, during the Social Dinner (the winners will have free access to the dinner).
All accepted posters will be uploaded on IEEE Italy Section web and media and the winner will be advertised on the IEEE Italy Section and R8 media (with authors permission).